John Sauder
CBC Meteorologist John Sauder provides you with daily comprehensive weather forecasting and reports on CBC News Winnipeg.
He earned a certificate in broadcast meteorology from Mississippi State University in 2007 and is endorsed by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and holds the American Meteorological Society's Seal of Approval for Weathercasting.
John started his broadcasting career in 1984 as a commercial pilot, flying a Cessna 152 over Winnipeg broadcasting traffic reports on two local radio stations. During ten years on that job, he earned 7,800 hours of flying time.
John transitioned into television in 1995 and went back to university in 2004 to study meteorology. He and his wife Kim are an active couple who love all kinds of sports and the great outdoors in all seasons.
John loves to laugh, but doesn't consider himself funny at all, so this should be interesting!
John has a close family member with MS so his charity of choice for this event is the MS Society of Canada.