Bob Armstrong
Born in Western Canada, Bob spent his formative years migrating with his family, following his father’s civil engineering jobs. From an early age he internalized the idea of manhood as a permanent struggle with nature. Bob studied Creative Communications at Red River College and History at the Universities of Calgary and Alberta, interspersed with employment as a park interpreter in the Alberta Rockies and a volunteer ski host and trip leader. A career in journalism led to work in public relations, including serving as Director of Public Affairs for the University of Manitoba, and speech writer for Manitoba’s Lieutenant Governor. Bob’s first novel, Dadolescence, grew out of his experience as a home-based freelance writer and began as a play at the 2007 Winnipeg Fringe Festival. Bob has written over a dozen plays, some of which have been produced by Equity companies and some by Fringe Festivals in Canada. He lives with his family in Winnipeg, where he writes plays, works at home, dreams about exploration and ponders what it means to be a man.