Nigel Lawrence
In just a few years, this young Canadian comic has crept onto the International comedy scene. His shows have almost developed an elite following of dedicated fans. He is a favorite at clubs, colleges, festivals and food courts. Performing everywhere from "that place you've never heard of before" to Las Vegas (but mostly "that place you've never heard of before"). He has written and starred in his own half hour comedy special for CTV and The Comedy Network. Performed at the Just For Laughs Comedy festival, were he won The Homegrown Comedy Competition (he was so good, they gave him a trophy). He has also performed on CBC, ABC, E!, IATV, and some closed circuit TV. Most recently, he has performed on Live at Gotham and Chelsea Lately. Nigel is said to have the stage presence of Steven Wright, the sharpness of George Carlin and (more importantly) the leathery good looks of a young George Hamilton. It is no wonder Star TV named him one of 10 Canadians to watch… now he wants to be an American to watch (classic over achiever).